Summer is the perfect time to take care of your chimney so it’s ready to use when the colder weather returns. Here are some tips to help you keep your chimney in good shape during the summer months:

  1. Schedule a chimney inspection: It’s important to have your chimney inspected annually to identify any potential issues before they become more serious. During the inspection, a professional chimney sweep from Lalondechimney can check for things like creosote buildup, damage to the chimney liner, and any other issues that could affect the chimney’s performance.
  2. Clean the chimney: Even though you may not be using your chimney in the summer, it’s still important to keep it clean. Creosote buildup can occur any time of year and can increase the risk of a chimney fire. At Lalondechimney, we use professional-grade chimney brushes and equipment to ensure your chimney is thoroughly cleaned.
  3. Check the chimney cap: The chimney cap helps prevent animals, debris, and rainwater from getting into your chimney. Lalondechimney can check the cap to make sure it’s still securely in place and that it’s not damaged. If we notice any issues with the cap, we can repair or replace it for you.
  4. Keep the damper closed: During the summer months, it’s a good idea to keep the damper closed to prevent hot air from entering your home. This can also help prevent animals from getting inside your chimney.
  5. Check for signs of moisture: Moisture can cause damage to your chimney, so it’s important to check for any signs of water damage. At Lalondechimney, we can check for things like rust or discoloration on the chimney or signs of water damage inside your home near the chimney.

By following these tips, you can help keep your chimney in good condition during the summer months. Contact Lalondechimney today to schedule a chimney inspection or cleaning and ensure your chimney is ready to use when you need it.

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